Modern Methods of construction. Today construction work uses traditional as well as modern materials in building, interiors and furnishing. Most materials are toxic and highly flammable. Construction process by itself is environmentally not friendly. Uses lot of water and emits Carbon dioxide in the process of curing. The modern methods of construction that our startups have developed are not only eco-friendly but they add to cleaner atmosphere. They use less or almost nil water for curing, they use carbondioxide captured from atmosphere to mix with concrete. We have developed Fiber Rebars to replace traditional iron rods used for construction. This rebars give maintenance free life of at least 100 years. They are eight times stronger and can be recycled also. Since they are much lighter than iron, the construction design itself becomes different. There are innumerable advantages in terms of low cost, quick project execution, no water, ideal for desert and high altitude construction etc.
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- Modern Methods of Construction
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- Nirvi Foods, Pune, Maharashtra
- Amalgam
- Soil Fertility Institute, Pune, Maharashtra
- Urja Industries, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
- Greentech Technology Ventures, Satara, Maharashtra
- Saaz Tech Solutions, Pune, Maharashtra
- SolHills Renewable Energy
- Infinity Solutions, Pune, Maharashtra
- Molecules Technology
- Boxer Chemicals
- Nirvico Solutions Pvt Ltd
- Bhumitra Farms
- Watsoft Technologies
- Incredible 3D
- Abhuva Innovation
- TGP Bioplastics Pvt Ltd
- Rajarambapu Institute of Technology
- Oasis Scientific Technologies LLP
- Unity Tech Products
- Srinidhi Innotech Pvt Ltd
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