Sun Dry foods. Farmers all the country commit suicide for many reasons. One of the reason is poor prices of fruits and vegetables in the peak season. As a social responsibility one of our startups was tasked to develop a Solar (Sun) dryer. Our startup built one in record time and now we are able to sun dried the fruits and vegetables during the peak season so that they can be marketed outside the season for getting fair price and hence decent income for farmers. Now we offer sun dried vegetables and fruits with long shelf life and without any preservatives. These products would reach most remote places where people can enjoy tropical taste too. Our products are most suitable for troops deployed in lonely and hostile geographical areas as also hiking, trekking and mountaineering enthusiast and professionals. Our endeavor is to take these highly nutritious food items to various survival packs and polar regions.
- Home
- About Us
- Services
- Xaant Lounge for Mental Health & Wellness
- Aircraft Spare Support - Western and Russian Fleets
- Questioned Document & Fingerprint analysis
- Geospatial Intelligence
- Open Source Imagery Analysis
- Cyber Audit
- Cyber Security
- Digital Forensics
- Drone Forensics
- Modelling, Simulation & Simulators
- Aerospace Safety Training
- Aerospace Safety Audit
- ERP Solutions
- System Integration
- Provide Human Resource
- Ballistics Testing
- Products
- Sun Dry Foods
- Modern Methods of Construction
- Runway Rehabilitation Scheme
- Blast Pen & Hardened Aircraft Shelters
- Weapon Storage Areas Design & Development
- Ballistics Protection for VA/VPs
- Personal Protections Gears
- Solar Products
- Hybrid Hydrogen Fuel for IC Engines
- Breathing Oxygen
- Breathing Hydrogen
- Hydrogen Cooking Gas
- Forged Weapons
- R & D
- Clients
- Consultancy
- Mentoring
- Startups
- Nirvi Foods, Pune, Maharashtra
- Amalgam
- Soil Fertility Institute, Pune, Maharashtra
- Urja Industries, Aurangabad, Maharashtra
- Greentech Technology Ventures, Satara, Maharashtra
- Saaz Tech Solutions, Pune, Maharashtra
- SolHills Renewable Energy
- Infinity Solutions, Pune, Maharashtra
- Molecules Technology
- Boxer Chemicals
- Nirvico Solutions Pvt Ltd
- Bhumitra Farms
- Watsoft Technologies
- Incredible 3D
- Abhuva Innovation
- TGP Bioplastics Pvt Ltd
- Rajarambapu Institute of Technology
- Oasis Scientific Technologies LLP
- Unity Tech Products
- Srinidhi Innotech Pvt Ltd
- Technology Partners